Reality is a horror story
Scored with a haunting melody
Life is cruel, people claim
A dog eat dog world!
The law of the jungle!
A jungle, yes, of concrete monoliths
Peopled by cold, unfeeling machines
A man is on the street
Hunched under the relentless rain
Hand outstretched, pride dead in his acidic stomach
It's his fault, of course, rustle the Chinese whispers
Why can't he stand on his own feet, as I do, they declare
Riding past on the backs of their ancestors,
A cocoon of privilege, wrapped like a kashmere scarf
A woman is on the street
Draped in the colours of the world
Hand outstretched, a prayer on her lips
It's his choice, of course, the sheep bleat
Why can't he be like the rest of us, normal, they wonder
Putting on their blinkers of prejudice,
A mask of conformity, designed by the factories of intolerance
A child is on the street
Armed with an infection smile
Hand outstretched, eyes blind to the cold world
It's his luck, of course, the sound echoes
Why isn't he in school like the rest of us, happy, they question
Stepping over the gates on their high horse,
A wall of entitlement, separating us and them
Humanity is on the street,
Trampled by our indifference
Hand outstretched, begging for our attention
It's not my problem, of course, mankind implores
Why can't you look away like the rest of us, selfish, they grumble
Making their way into their ivory towers,
A nail in the coffin, man, woman and child buried under six feet of apathy.